Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Malaysia Wild Duck

Phalacrocorax Carbo
The Great Cormorantis a type of duck from the cormorant family measuring 77 cm to 79 cm in length with a wingspan between 121 cm and 149 cm. It breeds mainly near coastlines. It makes its nest from seaweed or twigs, usually on cliffs or in trees and feeds on a wide variety of fish caught at sea, rivers or estuaries. Black in color, it has a longish tail with yellow throat-patch.

Anas Clypeata

The Shoveler or Northern Shoveler is widespread, and breeds in the northern areas of Europe and Asia. It migrates to the south during winter season. They can be found in small floks. The species is distinguished by its large spectulate bill. The male has a green head, white breast and chestnut belly and flanks. The females are light brown, with long broad bill, and grey forewing. They flok in open wetlands, and feed on plant food, using the bill to strain food from the water. They also eat molluks and insects in the nesting season. The nest usually close to water, form by a shallow depression on the ground, and lined with grass and feathers.

Cairina Scutulata

The White-Winged Wood Duck is a species of dabbling duck from the genus Cairina. The species is highly endangered, with very small population numbering in the hundreds, scattered around Southeast Asia, India, Bangladesh and Myanmar. This species live deep in the tropical forest, near pools and marshes, nesting high in the trees. The White-Winged Wood duck feed mainly at night on seed, grain, rice, snails and fish. They have white head and neck with black spots. The bill is orange and mottled with black. The wings is tipped with white. The female is smaller than the male.

Anas Acuta

The Northern Pintail is a slender duck with long neck. The male can be differentiated from the females by their size and coloration. The males are larger, with brown head and white neck and underpart, a greyish back and sides and long , black pointed central tail feathers. The smaller females have brownish head, grey bill and a slightly pointed tail. This species is common and widespred, often floking in large groups. They usually prefer reside near marshes and ponds. The Northern Pintail grazes on vegetation, and the males are more often aggressive than the females.

Anas Crcca
The Common Teal or Teal is common and widespread in Asia. Thids migratory duck spends winter south to Africa and south Asia. It is usually between 34 cm to 38 cm in length, with a wingspan between 53 and 59 cm. The male has grey flanks and back, with a yellow rear end and a white- edged green speculum. The head is chestnut in color , with a green eye patch. The female is usually light brown. The common Teal can be distinguished from most ducks by size and shape, and the speculum (inner flight feathers) which is green. It commonly inhabits sheltered areas of wetlands with some tall vegataion. It usually on plant. Their net is sit on the ground near water and under cover.

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